東日本大震災への対応 その2 H.24

Let's start a wind of happiness from the base of Kiritachi Mountain U

It's now almost two years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Similar to the previous year, we've compiled the school's post-disaster response.

Here, we highlight the school's main activities since the disaster in the past two years. Therefore, please be aware that there is some overlap to the informatant provided on our website and other informational mediums. Also keep in mind that this information is only one portion of a massive slough of events and not all of the importation information could be stated here.

We hope our school can help give others an idea of what to do in case of a similar disaster.

1 First

The chaos following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami brought turmoil to our community but it also brought faculty members together, and gave us a lot to learn from. One of the things we learned was the warmth and kindness of people.

2012 was the first year towards recovery for our school. We've focused on and stressed the importance of "disaster training" and "mental care" which will be explained below.

2 2012 - work towards recovery

 2−1 Reevaluation of Disaster Preparedness

 @ Distribution of Evaluation Manual

We reevaluated the evacuation manual in 2011, and presented it at the parent/guardian meeting. New copies of "At that moment, what will you do?" were distributed among all our students' families. All pages were laminated to make them stronger. In 2012, we provided copies for all incoming students.



 A A New Evacuation Drill

抜打ち避難訓練振り返り 仮設住宅住民との合同避難訓練


In terms of the earthquake drill, we did a pop-drill and had each student reflect on their actions and took time discussing improvements (photo to the left). 

Additionally, for the fire drill, we did it with the residents in the temporary houses. It was scheduled during the day on a weekday, so the residents were mainly senior citizens, but participation rate was high (photo to the right).

 B Project - Showing Sea Level

海抜表示プロジェクト1 海抜表示プロジェクト2


This project was in cooperation with the neighboring community - to go around to each electricity pole in the district and post a sign indicating its elevation above sea level. It is intended to raise community awareness in case of another disaster. The signs are color-coded to help with smaller children who cannot read.

This project is supported by organizations like Kwansei Gakuin University, and Tohoku Electric Power.

<Project Goal>

・To raise daily awareness of the sea level and to make seeking high ground (in case of disaster) intuitive
・To raise awareness in the community towards recovery
・To continue regular maintenance so future generations remain aware

海抜表示プロジェクト3 海抜表示プロジェクト4


【Photo to the left】 depicts the schools' third year students visiting children at the kindergarten to teach them about altitude (in relation to sea level)

【Photo to the right】 shows two representative students introducing the Sea Level Signs Project at the 4th Hyogo Kids Summit International Disaster Preparedness Meeting.


 2−2 Mental Care

 @ Stress Management

ストレスケアマネジメント リラクゼーション


Disaster managers presented the importance of stress management at an all-school meeting. They presented data from the Great Hanshin Earthquake and talked about mental health in relation to time since the disaster and different way to prevent and control the negative effects. 【Photo to the left】

Next, the school counselor talked about possible relaxation methods, "GURANDING"and"SUSOKUKAN". Example student responses include "I could identify with some of the characteristics",and "I never thought about it, but I realized I was carrying a lot of stress." 【Photo to the right】


 A Interaction with nature at training camp

上野原市ゆずりはら合宿1 上野原市ゆずりはら合宿2


In August we took an invitation for an all-school retreat/camp to Uenohara, Yamanashi's Yuzurihara Nature Camp. The 3-night program included fun activities like trekking, interaction with local middle school students, and Wadaiko (Japanese drum) performance. Since the disaster, students had done very few outside activities and some had even developed a fear of nature. But this training camp was a way for students to realize that the disaster is only one part of nature's power. Student representatives thanked our hosts and expressed their re-energized hope to help with the recovery of their hometown.


 B Announcement of Radiation Level

放射線の授業1 放射線の授業2


Aggressive check of school safety. The school took initiative and privately checked the radiation level of the campus. The numbers are made public on the school website. In 2011, we checked the levels for 9 days in July and for 12 days in April 2012. The school doctor, nurse, and clinic staff looked at the results and considered any health hazards.

Also in September, we asked representatives from JAERO to come talk to students about radiation. The day consisted of learning the confusing terms regarding radiation and the process necessary to check the levels.


 C Gardening with Temporary Housing Residents

農作業1 農作業2


At our school we take shop/home economics and general studies class time, among others, to maintain a communal garden. As a part of this, we reached out to senior citizens living in the temporary houses to help out with the gardening. It was a good way for students to interact with people in the community and it is also popular among senior residents who also have a new way to interact with young people.


3 What These Activities Have Shown us

Our school has received countless acts of kindness and support that are helping us works towards our goals. We decided to keep a public log of our progress on the website in order to show our commitment to recovery in response to all of this support. We've also listed all of the contributions provided for our school and encourage our students to look through them so they understand that an incredible network of people supports their education. We didn't expect how responsive people would be to our website, but we have received a lot of positive feedback for the activities and smiling faces of our students. We feel the timely responses and feedback we get through the web page is extremely helpful to us.

4 Principal's Remarks

The keyword is "to grow a brand of Koharagi students who will soar out into the word." With that in mind, we want to focus on the things that need/can only be done now. The faculty members hope to continue educating the kids as a team.


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